As a result of a joint partnership between UNAIDS, WHO and Unitaid, a Asia-Pacific regional initiative to build capacity for the rollout of Pre-exposure prophylaxis (#PrEP) and #HIV Self-Testing (#HIVST) is being launched at a regional consultation this week in Bangkok. 

This consultation is bringing together over 100 government, civil society and implementing partners from 13 countries to share lessons and experiences in implementing PrEP and HIVST at country level, to share guidance and tools to support PrEP and HIVST implementation, to identify barriers to scaling up HIVST and PrEP, and to explore ways and next steps to rapidly scale-up PrEP and HIVST initiatives at country level. Building stronger partnerships between Governments, communities and implementing partners is essential to bringing these prevention innovations to scale in response to the concentrated HIV epidemics in the Asia and Pacific region. Reaching key populations and other vulnerable groups with effective and tailored responses and appropriate prevention tools is critical for ending AIDS.