Tips for Buying PrEP Online
Let’s face it, many (or most?) online pharmacies have a reputation for being rogue websites that spam inboxes offering cheap sexual enhancers and prescription drugs. Anyone else gotten an inbox full of unsolicited emails about Viagra? But recently online pharmacies have had an increasingly important role in helping many people across Asia and the Pacific access pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP).
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An interview with Dr. Heather-Marie Schmidt, the WHO and UNAIDS Advisor tasked to advance the implementation of PrEP in the Asia-Pacific Region
An interview with Dr Heather-Marie Schmidt, the WHO and UNAIDS consultant tasked to advance the implementation of PrEP in the Asia-Pacific Region.
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The Status of PrEP: Philippines and Malaysia
A 2018 PrEP MAP update on the status of PrEP in the Philippines and Malaysia.
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